How To Hey

A HEY is basically a weaving motion. To do a HEY you need 3 or more dancers usually in a line. There are exceptions. Circular HEY – Square Hey – Tree Top HEY are some examples.

A Fig 8 HEY for 3 dancers

1 faces down the set 2 and 3 face up the set. Imagine a large figure 8 on the floor as below. No 1 begins the HEY The dancers move in and out – out and in continuously in a fig 8, passing each other alternately, right or left shoulders. At the end of the line the dancers turn 180 degrees around the fig 8 to return into the HEY. The HEY can continue for as long as you like, or for the music time. The important thing is NO STRAIGHT LINES, NO CUTTING CORNERS its always curves. A HEY for 3 dancers is often made bigger by opening it out as the dancers have 16 beats to complete the HEY and get back to place for a sticking.

Tree top hey

The only difference is that No 1 and 2 or 5 and 6 need to move in a curve backwards to allow No 4 or 3 to enter the HEY. After that it’s as above, large fig 8 with all three dancers weaving in and out following the fig 8 shape.

Tree top right

First 2 beats:
– Positions 2 and 5 take two small steps back
– Positions 3 and 4 step to their own right, crossing where 2 and 5 used to be
– Positions 1 and 6 take 2 steps in place

Remaining 14 beats:
– Continue figure 8 hey, 2 crosses behind 1, 5 crosses behind 6. 1 follows 2, 6 follows 5
– Movement speed should be such that all dancers return to the original set on beat 16

Border morris tree top hey right

Tree top left

As above but mirrored left to right.

First 2 beats:
– Positions 1 and 6 take two small steps back
– Positions 3 and 4 step to there own left, crossing where 1 and 6 used to be
– Positions 2 and 5 take 2 steps in place

Remaining 14 beats:
– Continue figure 8 hey, 1 crosses behind 2, 6 crosses behind 5. 2 follows 1, 5 follows 6
– Movement speed should be such that all dancers return to the original set on beat 16

Border morris tree top hey left